miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2014

Curso superado

Nuevo curso superado, esta vez en de la universidad de Open Universities Australia. El curso se titula Concepts in Games Development. En grandes rasgos el curso se dividía en cuatro grandes módulos:
  • Essentials of Game Design
  • Making It Happen
  • Rules, Movement and Iteration
  • AI for Games
Un curso muy entretenido y muy dinámico, en el que he aprendido:
  • Essential game design elements and the role of a game designer
  • Key game development stages and principles of agile game development
  • How games are like magic and real-time systems
  • That programming is made up of simple steps, and how procedure and object oriented programming can help us structure our game code
  • How messages and events are key concepts in games at different levels within game architecture
  • About graphs and other data structures that help represent game worlds and characters
  • How a game design can be described, modelled and implemented as simple game architecture
  • About the emergence of game engines and the relationship of games to other data-driven applications, including concurrent and distributed architectures
  • How to implement games using iterative step-by-step processes, by selecting, implementing and testing
  • That rules are central to games, and that game balance relates to fairness and bias for players
  • How physics can be used to create realistic force-based movement, for individual characters and groups
  • About AI techniques that can add interesting behaviour to game characters, including decision making, action planning and path planning
Este es el certificado que me han dato por superar el curso de forma satisfactoria:

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